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Indigo Blue

This is from one of my assignments for my Women in Animation mentorship! I decided to take on the challenge of story boarding both a fight scene and musical! It was super fun and insanely challenging to work on.

Song: Indigo Blue

Covered By:Rachie

Here you will find the animatic version of the boards. 

Two Below

Two Below is a storyboard that I had to create for my ANIM275 Class. The story is about a siren that wishes to escape from the life she is currently forced to live in.

Towards Galaxy's End-Ending Credits

Toward's Galaxy's End is a webcomic that I have been working on. The storyboard on the side is a practice that I did for an unofficial ED credits for the the comic. I tried practicing symbolism within these boards that would both help move the story along while also giving hints on the upcoming events within the story.

Song Used: Ghost in a Flower

By: Yorushika

Here is the animatic version timed with the song.

Fight Stance.png
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